FSC Frigoship Chartering GmbH

The company was formed in 1984 for specialised exclusive chartering purposes and to employ the tonnage of the ART Pool which is administered by Alpha Reefer Transport GmbH, Hamburg. The Pool started with only 16 vessels with sizes from 70.000 upto 127.000 cbft reefer space, whereas today the fleet consists of similar but also considerably larger vessels upto 560.000 cbft and the pool fleet controls now of 35 units of different sizes.

Another activity of the company is the chartering of the fleet managed by Laskaridis Shipping Co. Ltd. of Athens. This group controls at an average of 20-25 vessels with sizes of 270.000 upto 560.000 cbft, and also timechartered ships join their operation to cover seasonal requirements. A considerable number of the Laskaridis ships are employed independently under various long term contracts with the firm's customers in the fishing industry, a clientele which forms the backbone of the company since several years. With priority additional ships from the ART Pool are being chartered and find employment through Laskaridis Shipping and Lavinia Corp.

The "Frigoship" organisation has become broker for a specialized fleet of deepfreezers and combined fruit/deepfreezer vessels of which several have container capacities on deck. Tonnage is provided to the trade to carry all types of refrigerated cargoes world wide. Numerous vessels are employed in high sea transhipments, and this has indeed become a speciality of the shipowners of the Pool. Not only ship design, availability of large ocean fenders, stevedoring by experienced crews, as well as fuel supplies and provisions and spares for trawlers at sea, has become part of the services rendered with reefer carriers and tankers where ever it is required.

Own representative offices abroad as well as specialised brokers provide business and service for customers in the various trades.